Yes, absolutely - we currently support some brands who are looking to establish an audience before they are ready to sell their products. 


For example, we're helping one shoe designer connect with potential buyers before her show at NY Fashion Week this fall. We also help PR agency clients establish an audience on Instagram so when they are ready to kick things off they have an audience to share their launch and potentially spread the word.


How do we do this?

We leverage our database of contacts so we are able to target specific individuals in your niche. You can use software such as Instagress, but you will never get to the level of targeting we offer when you use their service. Instagress definitely helps you automate and grow your audience, but we have specific people we connect you with. We basically have a thousands of bloggers, editors, publicists, etc. so we are strategic about our connections. 


We are assuming that you don't have any products or services available yet so this is how we would approach your account:


On your end you would do this:

  • Have at least 6-9 posts on your account if it's new
  • Establish a brand look/feel/aesthetic
  • Post regularly with images that reflect your potential products (or mockups), the audience you're looking to attract and images/posts that reflect the brand's overall "vibe". 

On our end we would understand where you are so we can strategically grow your account. For example:

  • Pre-launch Month 1: Connect you with potential bloggers and establish a fan base
  • Pre-launch Month 2: Connect you with potential buyers
  • Launch: Connect you with publicists and more bloggers

We do a lot for what we charge, but we work with many small businesses who have very limited budget. We definitely understand these challenges. We basically want to help you develop partners and an audience that will stick with you long-term.


Other ways to use the service:

  • Grow your email list with interested and potential customers
  • Generate pre-orders  
  • Refine product offerings with the feedback you receive